
Join the Movement for
Solidarity & Democracy

DSA is the largest socialist movement in the country, dedicated to building a mass, multi-racial organization of the working class. We believe the economy, and in fact our entire society, should be run democratically, to the benefit of the many, not the few.

  • To join DSA, go to dsausa.org/join and fill out the form.
  • Standard national dues are $15 per month or $5 for low income folks; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
  • Becoming a member entitles you to vote on proposals and resolutions at our General Meetings, vote in chapter elections, and run for leadership positions within the Chapter.

Separately, you can make a recurring donation directly to the chapter by filling out our Local Dues Form. All local dues go directly to the chapter for campaigns in New Orleans. Local dues are not required for membership.